Wednesday, May 24, 2023

One Chicago Wednesday ~ Tonight

eason Finale(s) 
Additional blog post info:

SEASON FINALE's starting at 8/7c

It’s last call for now for the popular Chicago triumvirate of procedurals, starting with the hospital drama, ending its eighth season with the future of šŸš‘ owner Jack Dayton’s (Sasha Roiz) controversial AI-driven OR 2.0 in jeopardy. The Season 11 finale of šŸš’ (9/8c) welcomes back Casey (Jesse Spencer), who may be able to help his ex, Brett (Kara Kilmer), deal with a life-changing decision. Things are tense on šŸš” (10/9c), wrapping its 10th season with Intelligence undercover cop Ruzek (Patrick John Fleuger) in danger when white-supremacy leader Richard Beck (Lee Tergesen) moves up the timeline of his attack, sending the rest of the team scrambling

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