Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Everyone Else Burns ~ US Series Première

 Cast includes:
Simon BirdKate O’FlynnHarry Connor and Amy James-Kelly
evolves around the Lewises, a strictly religious family who believe the world will end within the decade. Patriarch David longs for the church to promote him. Long-suffering Fiona hungers for a life beyond sermons and squash. Aaron is a model young believer — except his drawings feature the rest of the family burning in hell. And anxious 17-year-old Rachel is about to fall for someone who could save her social life, but also damn her soul
October 26 9:30p/8:30c 

1 comment:

What's on Netflix: the most watched series

The most watched series of the second half of 2024 have been released  1. SQUID GAME S2  2. THE PERFECT COUPLE S1 3. MONSTERS  4. EMILY IN...