Announces Second Chance Tournament Contestants

The two-week run will consist of 18 returning competitors going head-to-head for the coveted Tournament of Champions positions. In Week 1, nine contestants will compete in regular games Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. On Thursday and Friday, the winners from Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday will play against one another to determine who will become the first Tournament of Champions competitor. The same process will occur in Week 2.
Among the returning contestants are:
Isaac Applebaum, James Fraser, Sadie Goldberger, Aaron Gulyas, Molly Karol, Alicia O’Hare, Do Park, Tom Philipose, Tracy Pitzel, Nikkee Porcaro, Renee Russell, Pam Schoenberg, Jeff Smith, Sarah Snider, Jessica Stephens, Rowan Ward, Jack Weller, and Cindy Zhang
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