Escape to the breathtaking Yorkshire Dales for the humor, heart, and humanity of this new adaptation. Based on James Herriot’s beloved books.
Premiรจres Sunday, January 10, at 8p MASTERPIECE on PBS!
When you fall for James Herriot, don’t blame MASTERPIECE—blame Scottish actor Nicholas Ralph. James’ boss, the cantankerous, charismatic Siegfried Farnon, is played by Samuel West (On Chesil Beach, The Darkest Hour), who MASTERPIECE fans may recognize from Mr. Selfridge or, more recently, Grantchester. Wily, wayward, and spirited Tristan Farnon is played by none other than The Durrells in Corfu‘s Leslie Durrell, Callum Woodhouse, while housekeeper Edna Hall is played by Anna Madely (Patrick Melrose, In Bruges) also of Mr. Selfridge, and more recently, The Child in Time. Harry Potter‘s own Neville Longbottom, Matthew Lewis, plays wealthy landowner Hugh Hulton, and playing Mrs. Pumphrey is the peerless Diana Rigg, whose legendary career included 15 years as the host of Mystery!, as well as MASTERPIECE productions of Rebecca, Bleak House, and more recently, Victoria.
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